Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Where does the East meet the West?

You guessed it, right here at the beach in Cleethorpes England

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So even tho we're only 143 miles north of London we are 4,416 miles from Green Bay, 4,909 miles from Lake Charles, 5195 from Denver, 5606 from Provo and 6,238 miles from my Mommy :(

He's so awesome that he can be in 2 places at once......lol

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Bedazzling Princess Jasmine

Some of you have heard that I get to 'work' for a friend in her costume shop......yes I'm the bedazzler of ballet shoes, button coverer, and bow maker :)  I even learned what 'poppers' are  aka snaps.  
Believe it or not this is our Bishop........owns the shop
Paula & Trish the seamstresses. Trish speaks with such a heavy Scottish  accent that I can barely understand the bonne lass.

They do amazing work and I was so excited when I attended the dance festival and saw some of the costumes I had helped make, wish I had taken pictures of the pretty dresses.
My work station and my co-workers, owner Beccy
& her mom Joan